Shavuot is Coming
June 5, 2019… and StarrParalegals will be closed for the holiday. I can hear the collective “Oy vey!” from here.

On Shavuot* we celebrate the day G‑d gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai and renew our acceptance of this very precious gift. Oh, sure, we congregate, eat, … and we learn. Oy, how we learn!! All night we study and learn. So, even if work weren’t prohibited, you wouldn’t really want an exhausted me handling your files.
Mark your calendars. StarrParalegals’ Atlanta office will close Friday afternoon, June 7th, at 5:00 (EDT), and reopen Tuesday morning, June 11th
Accept our advance wishes for a relaxing weekend and a hearty Chag Sameach for ‘our’ MOTs!
Remember, StarrParalegals is the most useful tool in your toolkit – utilize us:
- E-filing, anywhere and everywhere
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparation – from intake to filing – ALL chapters
- Bankruptcy Motion Support (draft, file, serve)
- Motions for Relief
- Proofs of Claim
- Notices of 4001 Examination
- Proposed Orders
- Fee Applications
- and more . . .
- Adversary Proceedings & Preference Actions (draft, file, serve)
- Complaints/Answers
- Pleadings
- UCC Filing, Search & Retrieval, Summarize Priority/Status
- Litigation Support
- Draft Pleadings
- Document Review
- Deposition Summaries
- Prepare & Serve Subpoenas
- Discovery Requests/Responses
- Legal Research / Memoranda
- Immigration Support
We’re here to make your billable hour worth every penny. Tell us what you NEED. We’re quick studies and welcome the opportunity to increase our skill sets. If we can’t help you, we’ll refer you to someone that can.
* Shavuot begins Saturday evening, June 8th and ends late Monday night, June 10th.