Shavuot is Coming
June 5, 2019… and StarrParalegals will be closed for the holiday. I can hear the collective “Oy vey!” from here.

On Shavuot* we celebrate the day G‑d gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai and renew our acceptance of this very precious gift. Oh, sure, we congregate, eat, … and we learn. Oy, how we learn!! All night we study and learn. So, even if work weren’t prohibited, you wouldn’t really want an exhausted me handling your files.
Mark your calendars. StarrParalegals’ Atlanta office will close Friday afternoon, June 7th, at 5:00 (EDT), and reopen Tuesday morning, June 11th
Accept our advance wishes for a relaxing weekend and a hearty Chag Sameach for ‘our’ MOTs!
Remember, StarrParalegals is the most useful tool in your toolkit – utilize us:
- E-filing, anywhere and everywhere
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparation – from intake to filing – ALL chapters
- Bankruptcy Motion Support (draft, file, serve)
- Motions for Relief
- Proofs of Claim
- Notices of 4001 Examination
- Proposed Orders
- Fee Applications
- and more . . .
- Adversary Proceedings & Preference Actions (draft, file, serve)
- Complaints/Answers
- Pleadings
- UCC Filing, Search & Retrieval, Summarize Priority/Status
- Litigation Support
- Draft Pleadings
- Document Review
- Deposition Summaries
- Prepare & Serve Subpoenas
- Discovery Requests/Responses
- Legal Research / Memoranda
- Immigration Support
We’re here to make your billable hour worth every penny. Tell us what you NEED. We’re quick studies and welcome the opportunity to increase our skill sets. If we can’t help you, we’ll refer you to someone that can.
* Shavuot begins Saturday evening, June 8th and ends late Monday night, June 10th.
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September 18, 2018‘May it be Your will, O Lord our G-d, to grant us long life, a life of peace, a life of good, a life of blessing, a life of sustenance, a life of bodily vigor, a life in which there is fear of sin, a life free from shame and confusion, a life of riches and honor, a life in which we may be filled with the love of Torah and the fear of heaven, a life in which Thou will fulfill all the desires of our heart for good!’ (R. Hiyya)
For my family, friends, and clients, near and far, real and virtual, may it be a year of peace, prosperity, health, and joy. I thank each and every one of you for the gifts of love, friendship, wisdom, and faith.
It is our tradition to ask forgiveness for sins that we have committed against another person whether knowingly or unknowingly; by action or inaction; by deed or omission; or for failing to treat you with the respect you deserve. I ask your forgiveness, as I forgive you.
May you be sealed for a year of fulfillment & joy, peace & prosperity, and health & wisdom.
G’mar chatima tova!
See the tree …
May 30, 2018I am, and always will be, a Houstonian – born in Methodist Hospital on Friday, October 13, 1961 at 14:13, and, but for a year in El Paso as a wee little one and 4 years in Austin at the University of Texas (and my dislocation to Atlanta nigh on 20 years ago), lived there my whole life.
My heart, family, and friends are in Houston. My amazing mother lives in the Meyerland house my grandparents bought not long after I was born. That house and my soul bear the scars of two floods – 50 years after the house was built.
Houston, my hometown, will be forever marked by Hurricane Harvey’s devastation; some places more than others.
This morning #MommieStrong sent a picture, a lone tree in an empty field … a piece of my soul died.
The tree stands on the grounds of what used to be Congregation Adath Emeth/United Orthodox Synagogue – the beit knesset where I learned and prayed for the first 12 years of my life.
The shul where I davened on yuntif with my grampa, Charlie Novak (Z”L) and he held me close under his tallis.
I was consecrated at UOS,
named ‘Queen Esther’ one Purim, and
planted the tree on Tu b’Shevat 1970 …
It was another time.
The shul and surrounding community were heavily damaged by the Memorial Day 2015 flood. My former rabbi and teacher (Z”L) was rescued by canoe.
They rebuilt.
Two more freak, flooding incidents followed.
They rebuilt.
Then, Harvey.
This time, they tore it down.
See the tree.
2 CommentsAnother Holiday: Shavuos
May 16, 2018StarrParalegals will be closed Monday, May 21st, in observance of Shavuos.
I can hear the collective “Oy vey!” from here.
The Atlanta office will close at 3 pm (EDT), Friday, May 18th (same time as any other week) and reopen Tuesday morning, May 22nd.
Shavuos celebrates the day HaShem gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai.
On Shavuos, we renew our acceptance of this very precious gift.
Oh, sure, we congregate, eat, … and we learn.
Oy, how we learn!!
All night we study and learn.
So, even if work weren’t prohibited, you wouldn’t really want an exhausted me handling your files.
We wish everyone a relaxing weekend and a hearty Chag Sameach for ‘our’ MOTs!
Remember, StarrParalegals is the most useful tool in your toolkit – utilize us:
- E-filing, anywhere and everywhere
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparation – from intake to filing – ALL chapters
- Bankruptcy Motion Support (draft, file, serve)
- Motions for Relief
- Proofs of Claim
- Notices of 4001 Examination
- Proposed Orders
- Fee Applications
- and more . . .
- Adversary Proceedings & Preference Actions (draft, file, serve)
- Complaints/Answers
- Case Management
- UCC Filing, Search & Retrieval, Summarize Priority/Status
- Litigation Support
- Draft Pleadings
- Document Review
- Deposition Summaries
- Prepare & Serve Subpoenas
- Discovery Requests/Responses
- Legal Research / Memoranda
- Immigration Support
We’re here to make your billable hour worth every penny. Tell us what you NEED. We’re quick studies and welcome the opportunity to increase our skill sets. If we can’t help you, we’ll refer you to someone that can.
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StarrParalegals’ October Schedule
September 27, 2016I can’t believe September is almost over. Where has the time gone? School has started, the leaves are changing color, and Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is barely a week away.
To honor our commitment to Torah and our clients, we are providing our holiday schedule. In addition to our regularly scheduled Shabbas shutdowns, StarrParalegals will be closed (we go completely ‘dark’) the following dates/times in observance of the High Holy Day season:
To offset our holiday closings, we will work outside our normally scheduled hours (within reason) to complete your assignments – keep sending those projects! We’re still in the business of making your jobs easier.
Help us help you – take a moment to review your calendar for any impending deadlines between now and the end of October. Please send us your to-do list so we can modify our schedule.
Please note: Our holiday observances, including Shabbas, begin just before sundown the evening before (“erev”) the calendar date and end after sundown on their final day. This year, most of the holidays ‘come in’ on Sunday evenings. Therefore, we made the decision to remain closed for the hours between the end of Shabbas and the beginning of the holiday (Sundays). If you require our services on any of those Sundays, please let us know soonest. Our normal weekend rates will apply.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. As always, we appreciate you and your business.
Shana tova u’metuka! May you have a sweet and prosperous new year!
Pamela J. Starr, CBA, J.S.M., MATD
CEO & Paralegal Extraordinaire
StarrParalegals, LLC
Virtual Paralegal Experts in all things Bankruptcy & more
Office: 404.317.0129
[email protected] | |
NFPA Ethics Board Chair / NFPA – The Leader of the Paralegal Profession®
NOTICE: STARRParalegals is NOT a law firm; our practice is limited to working with licensed attorneys.
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