Lots to Talk About!
May 23, 2013It’s been an exciting couple of weeks for me:
… on May 14, I was profiled by LawCrossing.com as their ‘Legal Staff Member of the Week’. Okay, so I’m not really a ‘staff member’ … well, maybe I am. Does it count when you work for yourself?
Click here to read/share the article.
… Paralegal Relief Paralegal Relief ” launched yesterday and the Paralegal Relief website www.paralegalrelief.org will be up soon
… today I was interviewed by Nick Augustine PR on Law Talk Radio!
Click here to listen to the show.
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May 22, 2013In the wake of recent tragedies, my friend and mentor, Lyza Sandgren (CanopyLegal, LLC), is spearheading a program to provide volunteer, experienced support to any legal professional caught in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster to meet their deadlines and/or filing commitments when offices and computer equipment are not usable.
She has created the “Paralegal Relief” group on LinkedIn as a central meeting place for those in need to be matched with those qualified and able to help. The Paralegal Relief website www.paralegalrelief.org, will be up and running soon.
Paralegal Relief’s members are primarily independent paralegal businesses willing to provide short-term, courtesy paralegal, docketing, filing and client support to attorneys, law firms of any size, and corporate legal departments, but we welcome any experienced paralegal, attorney or legal assistant who is able to volunteer their time. Our members have the technology, resources, experience and capacity to provide courtesy, short-term assistance wherever needed. (more…)
Ugh! LinkedIn Endorsements
May 1, 2013Re: Skills Endorsements
Dear LinkedIn and Fellow Networkers:
While I appreciate the gesture, please stop recommending me for skills I do not have. It is a waste of my time and yours. We have each carefully crafted our LI profiles to accurately reflect our skill sets – why would we want to pollute them with recommendations for skills we do not posses and services we do not offer?
There is nothing in my profile to suggest that I possess/utilize the following skills: Family Law, Personal Injury, Mediation, Trusts, Criminal Law, Corporate Governance, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Dispute Resolution, and Legal Advice.
There are repeat offenders, people who are more than members of my LI network – folks who actually know me and/or have worked with me. (more…)
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