It’s Almost … Spring, Pesach, and Easter
March 19, 2018Yes, they’re all just a few weeks away.
At StarrParalegals, we honor our commitment to Torah and our attorney-clients. Our minhag (“tradition”) is to provide our holiday schedule in advance so we can coordinate calendars, deadlines, and projects. Since Pesach and Easter overlap this year, the impact will be nominal. In addition to our regularly scheduled Shabbas shutdowns, our offices will be closed (no phone/no email) the following dates/times:
Take a moment to review your to-do list and calendar for any impending deadlines, then send us your wish list so we can accommodate your needs.
As always, we appreciate your business and look forward to working with you.
Chag kasher v’pesach sameach!
Pamela and the StarrParalegals‘ team
Please note: Our holiday observances, including Shabbas, officially begin before sundown the evening before (“erev”) the calendar date and end after sundown on their final day.
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March 14, 2018We’re busy, busy, busy here at StarrParalegals, but never too busy for new assignments and referrals.
This Paralegal Extraordinaire started out as a true solo with a laptop, printer, phone, and internet connection. I worked at a small desk in the 2nd floor hall/landing, overlooking my living room (and with so much more natural light). A couple of years in, my friend and mentor, Lyza Sandgren, gifted me with the gorgeous desk you see below.
I wore almost all the hats those first few years. When I wasn’t working or writing, I was learning. Over 5-years, I learned myself into two graduate degrees – a Master of Science of Law and a Master of Arts in Training & Development. With sheepskins in hand and new letters following my name, StarrParalegals is flourishing.
Oh, how things have changed!
I work with a team of experienced sub-contractors and like-minded virtual paralegals to offer more services. My laptop is now the brain controlling dual (dueling?) monitors and 2 LaserJet printers (black & white and color). Sure, my desk and workspace are cluttered, but they say that’s a sign of brilliance 😉
After almost 10 years (yes … TEN years!), I’m finally turning my dungeon basement into a proper office!
Imagine the space with:
- a back wall and door to a proper utility/storage area;
- finished, painted walls;
- a textured, industrial ceiling; and
- this light fixture to set it all off
The cat stays. Mr. Sulu is my supervisor and that’s his chair; Lt. Uhura is lurking under the desk.
Remember StarrParalegals for your virtual paralegal support needs. We’re here for you.
And with that, it’s back to work!
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